As a result the TV doesn’t really go above channel 35 and as a result I miss out on some channels which are part of our cable package one of which is the Home & Garden Network. Sometime last year they re-numbered some of the channels and as a result HGTV is now on 29. All the home reno shows simply made me realize how simple and relatively inexpensive you can do things if you do them yourself.
First of all my closet initially started out with the common wire-mesh type shelves. On top of that the previous owners did a pretty bad job of installing it, with it being unlevel and not using drywall anchors for the screws. I wanted a closet that made use of the space better as well as had more lighting, since my room light didn’t illuminate it too well. So here it is a post with all the details.
So initially this is what my closet looked like. A wimpy wire frame closet with a horrible layout. There wasn’t much room for anything. The only thing that was useful about it was the shelf running the entire length of the closet. The way the shelving unit was set up the closet was split in half. On the left hand side there was room to hang a row of shirts above and pants below. The middle shelf could only accomodate one layer of folded clothes if you hung your shirts above. The right hand side basically ran from the floor to the ceiling to accomodate longer clothing items. Being a guy I don’t really have much clothing that runs that length. However, I do possess quite a few items that are 3/4 length.